The name of the facility is Life Care Center of Kona, it is a short/long term nursing facility. My grandmother, Rose Alapai was the first patient on their "Butterflies Are Free" program at this specific facility. The aim of the center is to provide tranquility and hope for those leaving this world. In honor of my grandmother I wrote a proposal, to the Life care center of Kona if they would call their palliative care, "Pulelehua, Butterflies are Free.” My grandmother passed away on Oct. 22, 2009 and since her passing, the children of Holualoa Elementary School, where she attended school and myself (home school liaison at this school) have made over 200 Pulelehua (butterfly) magnets. The magnets are placed on doors of patients going through this palliative care program. It has been a very successful partnership with the school. I am now in conversation with the center and we are planning the making of a brochure to share with families. It's very humbling to know we've impacted the lives of so many by softening the approaching deaths of their loved ones. I feel so honored to be such a vital part of such a wonderful ministry that we are called to do, to honor our kupuna (grandparent, ancestor).
In conversation with Shaula and getting her vision of what the painting should depict, I was able to create “Love Beyond Measure.”

This is how our conversation through Facebook messaging kinda went.
I'm really glad you think that the primary rose can be white because in thinking The Holy Trinity I could not get past the thought that the primary rose, God the Father, at the head should be white. The other thought I had was to have the pulelehua on the secondary rose which depicts God the Son, Jesus Christ. To me the pulelehua should be on Christ because, your "freedom" from sin came from the Father through the Son. Lastly, the bottom rose represents the Holy Spirit. Another thought was to lay 2-3 rose buds at the base of the vase to represent fallen mankind.
While in the process, I was strongly impressed upon to have a tear falling from the white rose (The Father) to the first pink rose (The Son)…which is self explanatory. The Koa Wood vase and the wall of “weathered” lauhala represents the Hawaiian people and their culture. The Palapalai fern on the right represents the interweaving of the ohana with the roses, giving greater significance for the ohana.
My own grandmother Mary Kahula’okalei’opu’u Rose came to mind while painting this and as I write, my mother Pauline Kaohunani comes to mind as well. I miss them so much that for me, “Love Beyond Measure” has also become my tribute to both of them.