I am so sorry my blog readers, hope you haven't given up on me. I just realized that it has been a while since I posted anything on this blog. I think it has been since late January and here it is mid-March. I could make all kinds of excuses and I do have a few, all legitimate and believable.
For instance; here's one:

My sweet little princess granddaughter. She had just bought a new "princess" dress and rushed over to show it to me. (Notice her very chic boots and tights.) Of course I had to take a picture. She has been the subject of a few of my paintings and after taking her picture in her new dress, she said that maybe this would make a good painting. She is precious. Her mother tries to write down all of the cute things she says and just recently posted on Facebook.
"Ellie put on her new dress and I told her she looked like a princess to which she replied, I know and you are the queen and God is the King of Kings.'" She is 5-1/2 years old.

This is a painting I was commissioned to do of her for her uncle from a snapshot taken about 2-1/2 years ago. She knew she was a princess then also.
I do have a painting sitting on my easel in an unfinished state, but coming along very well; however I must admit that it has been in progress for longer than usual. Between making my grandchildren priority whenever they want to visit or have
"art class," keeping up with my Bible studies, writing the newsletter for my "more mature" adult group, and preparing to teach my Sunday School Class...my painting has taken a back seat. I'm telling myself right now that when I'm done with this posting I will paint (fingers crossed).