As some of you may remember, I have featured some of Mr. Kane's work here on my blog. I subscribe to updates from Mr. Kane's website and usually save updates to review at a more leisurely time. I feel I must explain why I'm writing of his passing in August and not more timely, since it has been about five months since his passing. Today, I thought I would do another posting on his art work, only to find that one of the updates I had saved was about his passing. Needless to say, I was surprised - sadly so. Growing up in Hawai'i and enjoying art as much as I do, Herb Kane was a major inspiration. I would not only study his art for the skill involved, but the stories behind his work reminded me of stories of old Hawai'i I had heard as a child from my grandmother. His paintings and the associated stories taught me much about the myths and legends of my people.
Here is a few of his pieces. Beautiful stuff.

Thank you Mr. Kane for the beauty and pride you have infused into the Hawaiian culture. Rest in peace.