I subscribe to a blog called
"Goins, Writer" which is written and maintained by Jeff Goins. I enjoy his blog because it gives valuable tips on writing. Not just on how to write a blog, but writing in general. I have this grand dream of writing a mystery novel...or an autobiography... something extraordinary. I write for this blog, I write a newsletter for my church, and sometime when a thought comes to mind, I may write an essay or even a poem. You get the idea. I tell myself this is all practice to that big novel. But, right now my heart is in my painting and that's usually what this blog is about.
Jeff's subject of his last post was
"Let Your Surroundings Inspire Your Writing." So, as I looked at my surroundings...front, right side, left side; I thought "why not...I'm way overdue for a post anyway." So, that's what my post is about today...my surroundings.
In front of me I see a messy work area where I have been diligently working at for the past few days. I'm preparing for my Sunday School class that I have to facilitate tomorrow morning. I should be working on it right now and I will be as soon as I finish this post. Our lesson this Sunday is from Romans 7:1-25 ...extremely complex text, but very profound.

To my right...I'd rather be out there than in here. What an absolutely beautiful fall day. I love being able to look out my front windows and see this beautiful God-given landscape. I even have the windows wide open to take full advantage of the outside.

To my left...a wall of my oil paintings. Painting is something I thoroughly enjoy and decided to get serious about it when I retired. It was a tossup as to whether I would concentrate my efforts on my painting or my writing. At that time, painting got top priority. However, I have since found that I can do both. But, I've also learned that to be exceptional at either my focus needs to be more directed. When I get ready to do that best selling novel (ha!) I will focus all of my attention on that. I paint for the sheer pleasure, if something sells that's fine, if not that's ok. God has blessed me with this talent so I paint to His glory.

I hope you've enjoyed this sojourn from my regular blog about my paintings. I've enjoyed the change. And I apologize to my followers that the time between postings is longer that I like it to be. I will attempt to be better about it in the future.