Jeff's subject of his last post was "Let Your Surroundings Inspire Your Writing." So, as I looked at my surroundings...front, right side, left side; I thought "why not...I'm way overdue for a post anyway." So, that's what my post is about surroundings.
In front of me I see a messy work area where I have been diligently working at for the past few days. I'm preparing for my Sunday School class that I have to facilitate tomorrow morning. I should be working on it right now and I will be as soon as I finish this post. Our lesson this Sunday is from Romans 7:1-25 ...extremely complex text, but very profound.
To my right...I'd rather be out there than in here. What an absolutely beautiful fall day. I love being able to look out my front windows and see this beautiful God-given landscape. I even have the windows wide open to take full advantage of the outside.
To my left...a wall of my oil paintings. Painting is something I thoroughly enjoy and decided to get serious about it when I retired. It was a tossup as to whether I would concentrate my efforts on my painting or my writing. At that time, painting got top priority. However, I have since found that I can do both. But, I've also learned that to be exceptional at either my focus needs to be more directed. When I get ready to do that best selling novel (ha!) I will focus all of my attention on that. I paint for the sheer pleasure, if something sells that's fine, if not that's ok. God has blessed me with this talent so I paint to His glory.
I hope you've enjoyed this sojourn from my regular blog about my paintings. I've enjoyed the change. And I apologize to my followers that the time between postings is longer that I like it to be. I will attempt to be better about it in the future.