Wednesday, July 3, 2013

More on "Children of the Rainbow"

Been working on this since June 24th, did not think I would get this far in a little over a week.  Using photographs from days gone by I am showing three generations - all being children - "Children of the Rainbow - Family of God."  Ever try to get a bunch of kids together to take a picture?  Well this painting is supposed to show that event.  Even if they are in the family of God, they are still children. 
This group of children depict the many races that usually make up a family in Hawaii:  Hawaiian; Caucasian; Japanese; Chinese, Black; Portuguese - all blended together.

Needs fine tuning - maybe a couple more faces - then the underpainting.  Through the process I've wondered - "Did I bite off more than I can chew?"  Wish me luck.


  1. Wow...18 shining faces, Lokelani!! Looking good! I have complete faith that you will handle it well.
    One thing to be on the look out for is getting the correct sizes....often a problem when combining many photos. Perspective and the child's age will have a bearing on it.

    1. Let's hope I can handle it. I did consider the sizes and found that maybe a couple needed to be reworked. I've started the underpainting and will adjust as I go. Thank you.
